Many people are wrong on the subject of email’s death. Are you still skeptical? Try searching for “email has gone” in any search engine. You will find a variety of articles that claim that email marketing will go out of business within a certain year. More info?
Email is still widely used. On their websites, they still see the sign-up form “Sign up for my newsletter”. It’s still used to market their products and services, and it’s not been any less effective.
Many who claim that “email is gone” depend on social media and other platforms exclusively to increase their profits but this isn’t the ideal alternative. This isn’t the topic of this article is about.
This article will help you to comprehend the concept of email marketing.
If you visit any email marketing groups on social media or marketing forums, you’ll find lots of information that you can find on email marketing. But it has gotten to the point where there’s too numerous details, making the concept of email marketing so complicated.
You’ll notice that there are those who worry about the smallest things like:
How to come up with the best subject lines.
How to raise the rate of open.
How can you increase the effectiveness of your email marketing.
How often you should send emails.
How long should you space each email out in your autoresponder?
This article is going to solve all your problems and show you how email marketing can be in its simplest form.
To put it simply, email marketing is a tool to build relationships with your customers, and also to promote your products and services. Those are the only two things you should focus on when emailing your clients, none of the other small things (even it’s possible to argue that some of the lesser factors are important).
So how do you build relationships and then sell?
It is essential to first know what email is used for. Emails are used for one-on-one personal conversations. Also, emails aren’t used to constantly mass sending blatant sales pitches just like the way large corporations do their marketing by email.
You’d like to accomplish the following:
Make your emails appear as if you were writing to a single friend. Your readers will not be aware that they are receiving an email to hundreds of people who are on your list. They will still feel intimate and personal.
Create emails that add value to your recipients’ daily lives. It’s not just my intention to teach them and make them fun to read. In addition, you can entertain them. People value entertainment.
Each email you send must include an opportunity to sell. This could be a product, service, free content videos, audio training, even an idea or opinion. You might think it’s pushy to always sell something however it’s only when you compose your emails that sound like a sales message and you don’t do. In addition, you’re educating your readers to get used to you selling them something to the point that they may even be looking forward to selling them your product.
Then, be sure to keep in touch with your readers frequently. Companies that email their clients every month or once are doing themselves a major detriment. If you don’t send any emails to your readers, the more likely they’ll forget about you. Particularly if they get hundreds of emails every day, your readers can forget you very quickly. So I suggest you email at least once per week. Better yet, push your limit and email them every day. When they see your email address that often on their lists, you’re always in the front of their minds. And when they realize when they’re required to purchase a type of product or service that you provide it will be to you.